Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The 3rd Moon - Part 5

Brador was a warrior from the rock tribe. He had served under the Element Lord of Rock. Brador and much of his tribe lived on Bota Magna. They lived in the mountains. The mountains they lived in were surrounded by the desert that was occupied by the sand tribe. Some of the sand tribe, after the shattering, had turned into mere beasts. The others had built themselves a city. Brador was marching out of the gates of the village of the rock tribe. He was assigned by the leader of the village to find a mine where the rock tribe could mine for metal to trade with the other villages. Brador was climbing down the mountain. He needed to find a cave where there might be traces of metal. He found a cave and entered it. He didn’t see any signs of metal. He walked a little further into the cave. There was a roar and Brador looked into the darkness ahead of him. He couldn’t see anything. He walked further in. Just as a precaution, Brador pulled out his mace and rock sword. He walked a little bit further. Suddenly, out of the darkness charged a Rock Bull. It had two large horns on its head and had tusks sticking out the sides of its mouth. Its body was a tan color with spots of black. Its tail was long and at the end of it was a wickedly sharp blade. Brador swung his sword at the bull. The bull dodged it and ran past Brador. It turned around and faced Brador again. It charged. This time, Brador jumped on its back as it went passed. The bull tried to shake Brador off but Brador stabbed the bull with his sword. The bull crashed to the floor, dead. Brador pulled his sword out and walked out of the cave. He was sure that there wasn’t any metal there.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The 3rd Moon - Part 4

Pyrol was a warrior from the fire tribe. He had fought in the Core War as the Element Lord of Fire’s most trusted assistant. His tribe lived in a large crater on Bota Magna. Pyrol was walking up the side of the crater. He was on his way to the springs that were just beyond the lip of the crater. He was almost at the top when a large creature burst out of the rock in front of Pyrol. He had never seen this type of creature before. It was large and had very sharp teeth. It had horns growing out of its back and it also had wings. Its eyes were blazing red and its body was colored brown and black. The creature lifted up its head and opened its mouth wide. Flames blazed forth from the creatures open mouth. Pyrol decided that if he didn’t die, he would call this beast a Rock Dragon. Pyrol took out his flame shield and mace. The Rock Dragon charged at Pyrol. Pyrol jumped to the side and swung his mace at the beast. It hit the Rock Dragon on the side. The dragon roared in rage. It shot a jet of flame at Pyrol. Pyrol lifted his shield and blocked the flames. The dragon flapped its wings and rose into the sky. It soared at Pyrol. Pyrol ducked under and stabbed at the dragon’s underbelly with his flame shield. The creature cried in pain and fell to the ground. Pyrol just barely got away before the dragon would have squashed him. Pyrol looked back and saw that the Rock Dragon wasn’t dead. It had been knocked out when its head hit the ground. Pyrol hoped that he would never meet this beast again.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The 3rd Moon - Part 3

Kaahli was a rookie warrior from the water tribe. She hadn’t fought in the Core War and barely remembered it. The only thing she remembered was that she was the only warrior that the Element Lord of Water was nice to. Well, Kaahli hadn’t really been a warrior yet. She had lived in the village of the water tribe on Spherus Magna. She remembered the Element Lord of Water giving her a small statue of him. She had cherished it. It had gotten stolen from her and she had tried in vain to catch the thief. Right now, Kaahli was taking a swim in the Great Lake to cool herself off after a long training session with the leader of her village, Etos. Etos was an Agori. He was a great fighter and has taught Kaahli almost everything she knew. Kaahli dove under-water. She, like everyone in the village of the water tribe could hold her breath for over 2 minutes. She swam along the bottom of the lake. All of a sudden, a giant fish charged at her. Kaahli tried to swim to the surface but the fish clamped his mouth onto her leg and started pulling her down. Kaahli pulled out her mace and swung as hard as she could under-water at the fishes head. It hit hard but the fish barely felt it. Kaahli struggled to pull her leg free. She was running out of air. She swung her mace again and hit the fish in 1 of its viciously sharp teeth. The tooth was knocked out. The fish loosened his grip on Kaahli’s leg. She pulled free and swam towards the surface. The fish had recovered from the shock and swam after her. Luckily, Kaahli was a fast swimmer. She got to the surface and gasped for air. She swam towards the shore. When she got out of the water, she dried herself off and started towards the gates of her village which were not very far off.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Discussion With Greg F.

I was talking to Greg F. today and this is what we said. By the way my username on Bzpower is Gresh9696
Me: 1. You named the forested planet Bota Magna right?
2. The Northern Frost is there. Are there any mountains, volcanos, etc.?
3. What is the name of the forest that the Element Lord of the Jungle ruled?
4. Do the Element Lord's have their own forms? In The Riddle of the Great Beings, they appear as what their environment is. Like the Element Lord of the Jungle is made out of sticks, vines, and leaves.
5. Are Matoran the same thing as Agori just called different things on different planets?Thanks,Gresh9696
Greg: 1) Yes
2) Mountains, yes. Volcanoes, no.
3) We haven't named it in story
4) Yes, they do, which will be shown in Papercutz' BIONICLE graphic novel
5) No. Agori are natives of Spherus Magna who are mainly organic with some mechanical implants. Matoran are primarily mechanical and are artificially constructed nanotech designed to live inside the Mata Nui robot.
Me: So if there were inhabitants on Bots Magna, they would be called Agori?
Greg: There are, and they are.

Bota Magna Dead or Alive Pt 1?!

After defeating Tuma and the Skrall, Mata Nui as well as Ackar, Vastus, Tarix, Kiina, Berix and Gresh, was transported to Bota Magna, the moon of Bara Magna. Ackar "What are we doing Here!" Vastus "Patience Ackar!" The Glatorian decided to take action and ask questions later. Berix noticed strange creatures, Kiina told him not to touch them. Then a rustling came from the bushes and there came out a pack of Iron Wolves, creatures created by the Great Beings, jumped out and attacked the Glatorian. Ackar managed to blow two away with his elemental powers whereas Mata Nui defeated them with the Vorox Tail and Click Shield. More came out of nowhere and knocked Kiina and Berix unconcious. Vastus told the group to run and come bak for them, Tarix hesitated but Mata Nui agreed. As Ackar and Tarix formed a plan, Mata Nui thought about something "Why were we summoned here, weird!" As Ackar told the others about the plan, the wolves were just as organized they sent 10 guards to guard the prey while others would attack out of nowhere. The Glatorian ran and attacked, but the Wolves' plan was victorious and the Glatorian were defeated. But the saviour had come to help. ??? "Time to turn Ice Cold you Wolves!" To Be Continued

The 3rd Moon - Part 2

Naarahk was a warrior from the jungle tribe. He had fought in the corewar with the jungle tribe and remembered still the bloody battlefields and the cries of the dying. He remembered the horrors of The Shattering. He had been in the forest ruled by the Element Lord of the Jungle when The Shattering had occurred. He remembered warriors trying to find something to grab onto so as not to be thrown off into space. He remembered saying goodbye to his friend very dear Vastus as they had been separated onto different planets. Vastus was now on Bara Magna and Naarahk was on Bota Magna. Naarahk could see Bara Magna through the trees of the Grand Jungle. He thought he saw a small patch of jungle on Bara Magna where Vastus probably would be but he wasn’t sure. Naarahk was traveling through the Grand Jungle going back to the village of the jungle tribe. He liked to take long walks in the jungle. Suddenly there was a loud cry from overhead. With horror, Naarahk realized that he was only 10 feet away from a giant birds nest. This bird was called a Kuo bird. They made their nests in the ground and were very protective of their young. Naarahk pulled out his vine sword and mace. The giant bird swooped down and dove at Naarahk. Naarahk stepped to the side. The bird had a long neck and a long and very sharp beak. It was colored green and brown. It could easily blend in with the forest. It had large talons on both feet. The bird swooped back around and dove at Naarahk again. This time, Naarahk stepped aside and hit the bird on the head with the flat of his sword. The Kuo bird fell to the ground and didn’t get back up again. Naarahk ran over to it and saw that it had gotten knocked out but that there was no further injury. Naarahk found a small stream of water and dumped some of the water on the birds head. The bird’s eyes fluttered open. Naarahk patted it on the head and went on his way again.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The 3rd Moon - Part 1

Frozius was a warrior who had fought in the corewar for the ice tribe. He hated the Element Lord of Ice because he had ruined Frozius’ life on Spherus Magna. Frozius lived on Bota Magna. After the war, the Element Lords had been imprisoned and Frozius was sure that their prison was on Bota Magna. He searched the Northern Frost constantly trying to find the prison of the Element Lords. He hadn’t found it yet. Right now, he was in the Northern Frost searching for the Element Lords prison. He had just found a tunnel in the ground and was following it hoping that this tunnel would be the 1 to lead him to the Element Lord’s prison. He got to the end of the tunnel and emerged into a huge chamber. Icicles hung from the roof. In the center of the room was a large hole. Frozius walked over to it. He looked down and saw to his horror a large creature. The creature saw Frozius too. Frozius drew his ice sword and mace. The large animal charged at Frozius. It had two horns on the top of its head and 2 large fangs coming from both sides of its mouth. It was white on top and its huge, muscular legs were blue. It had spikes all along its back. Its eyes were a deep blue. The animal jumped at Frozius. Frozius dove out of the way and the large creature crashed to the floor. Frozius jumped on top of the creatures back but avoided the spikes. The creature roared in anger. It flung Frozius off of its back. Frozius crashed into the wall and slumped to the floor, dazed. The creature charged at Frozius again. Frozius shook his head and got up. Just before the creatures horns would have bored through Frozius’ chest, Frozius dove out of the way. The creature’s horns got stuck in the wall and it couldn’t get them out. Frozius knew that the creature would eventually get its horns out of the wall and decided not to stay and watch. Frozius left the cavern and started walking up the tunnel again.

My New Story Serial for Bota Magna

This isn't the story i had told u all about. This is a different 1. The other one is a full book.

This story is called "The 3rd Moon"


Saturday, September 26, 2009

This Blog Is All About Bota Magna

The title said it. All the authors of this blog can post thoughts, news, stories, and ideas about Bota Magna.