Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The 3rd Moon - Part 3

Kaahli was a rookie warrior from the water tribe. She hadn’t fought in the Core War and barely remembered it. The only thing she remembered was that she was the only warrior that the Element Lord of Water was nice to. Well, Kaahli hadn’t really been a warrior yet. She had lived in the village of the water tribe on Spherus Magna. She remembered the Element Lord of Water giving her a small statue of him. She had cherished it. It had gotten stolen from her and she had tried in vain to catch the thief. Right now, Kaahli was taking a swim in the Great Lake to cool herself off after a long training session with the leader of her village, Etos. Etos was an Agori. He was a great fighter and has taught Kaahli almost everything she knew. Kaahli dove under-water. She, like everyone in the village of the water tribe could hold her breath for over 2 minutes. She swam along the bottom of the lake. All of a sudden, a giant fish charged at her. Kaahli tried to swim to the surface but the fish clamped his mouth onto her leg and started pulling her down. Kaahli pulled out her mace and swung as hard as she could under-water at the fishes head. It hit hard but the fish barely felt it. Kaahli struggled to pull her leg free. She was running out of air. She swung her mace again and hit the fish in 1 of its viciously sharp teeth. The tooth was knocked out. The fish loosened his grip on Kaahli’s leg. She pulled free and swam towards the surface. The fish had recovered from the shock and swam after her. Luckily, Kaahli was a fast swimmer. She got to the surface and gasped for air. She swam towards the shore. When she got out of the water, she dried herself off and started towards the gates of her village which were not very far off.


  1. Awesome!!! Nice story. I might beable to write mine soon. Its called: Defenders of the Mountains

  2. Once again, the names are used.

    Anyways, good work!! This is a great story. Short, but sweet.

  3. thanks gus. hey, ray. there are more names of yours coming.
